For the "Fomos Longe Demais" web series, produced for PRIO, Shot and Cut Films collaborated with Adagietto to bring a unique and humorous concept to life. The series stars Rui Unas and Frederico Pombares, who embark on a road trip with no script, relying on the endless power of PRIO’s ECO Diesel fuel. As they journey through the road, the pair attempts to craft a script, drawing inspiration from various encounters along the way. The series is filled with humor, improvisation, and the thrill of driving a seemingly never-ending fuel tank.

Directed by Filipe Correia dos Santos, the web series is available on PRIO’s YouTube channel, with episodes also shared on the brand’s social media platforms. This campaign underscores PRIO’s commitment to innovation and sustainability in the energy sector, particularly through its eco-friendly fuel options.

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